Show Description
Survivors Remorse, a six-episode half-hour comedy series, follows Cam Calloway played by Jessie T. Usher, a basketball phenom in his early 20s who is suddenly thrust into the limelight after signing a multi-million dollar contract with a professional basketball team in Atlanta. Cam, along with his cousin, and confidant Reggie Vaughn, played by RonReaco Lee, move to Georgia to start Cams journey to success. The two confront the challenges of carrying opportunistic family members and their strong ties to the impoverished community that they come from. Cam, Reggie, and an unforgettable group of characters wrestle with the rewards and pitfalls of stardom, love, and loyalty. The series is executive produced by Mike OMalley, Tom Werner, Maverick Carter, and Paul Wachter, and the cast includes Mike Epps, Tichina Arnold, Teyonah Parris, and Erica Ash.